Pengumuman Akademis

Update: Seminar Reboan "Blockchain Technology" -- 6 Maret 2019

Update: Seminar Reboan "Blockchain Technology" -- 6 Maret 2019

by Febrianti Ramahayu -
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Kepada mahasiswa MTI


Berikut kami sampaikan acara Seminar Reboan yang diselenggarakan pada:

Hari/tanggal: Rabu/6 Maret 2019

Waktu: 13.00-15.00 WIB

Tempat: Ruang Rapat Besar, Gedung A

            Kampus Fasilkom UI Depok

Pembicara: Bapak Sentot Kromodimoeljo, Ph.D.

Judul Seminar: Blockchain Technology 


Berikut abstrak seminar dan profil Bapak Sentot Kromodimoeljo, Ph.D.


In this talk, I will introduce the currently emerging blockchain technology. I will discuss both the technical aspects as well as the economic potential of the application of this technology. In particular, I will focus on applications of blockchain technology for cryptography and digital signing.


Short bio:

Dr. Kromodimoeljo is both a researcher and practitioner in the area of computer security, in particular formal methods in cryptography and security applications. He has an electrical engineering degree from Carleton University and a PhD in Information Technology from the University of Queensland. He worked as a researcher and consultant in Canada and Australia, and recently returned to Indonesia to work as an independent consultant in the area of IT security.

In this talk, I will introduce the currently emerging blockchain technology. I will discuss both the technical aspects as well as the economic potential of the application of this technology. In particular, I will focus on applications of blockchain technology for cryptrography and digital signing.