Pengumuman Akademis

Seminar Reboan - 12 September 2018 - Research Opportunities at the Research School of Computer Science at the Australian National University

Seminar Reboan - 12 September 2018 - Research Opportunities at the Research School of Computer Science at the Australian National University

by Adila Alfa Krisnadhi Krisnadhi -
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Dear all,

Kami undang semuanyauntuk hadir pada acara Seminar Reboan pada tanggal 12 September 2018 pukul 13:00 di Ruang Rapat Besar, Gedung A, Fasilkom UI.

Pembicara pada Seminar Reboan kali ini adalah Alwen Tiu, Ph.D. dari Australian National University, dan kebetulan beliau juga alumni program Sarjana Ilmu Komputer UI angkatan 1994. Judul dan abstrak seminar ada di bawah, dan isinya sangat bermanfaat juga bagi mahasiswa sarjana karena terdapat informasi beasiswa penelitian singkat di ANU.

Title: Research Opportunities at the Research School of Computer Science at the Australian National University

In this talk I will present various research activities and opportunities at the Research School of Computer Science (RSCS) at the Australian National University (ANU), in particular, our PhD program and undergraduate research opportunities. For the latter, I will provide some details on a new initiative by RSCS (ANU) and Fasilkom UI to set up a research scholarship program to enable select students from Fasilkom UI to undertake short term research projects at ANU. I will also give a brief overview of available research projects and faculty profiles, and pathway towards PhD studies at RSCS ANU.