Pengumuman Akademis

Apa itu Compiler dan mengapa itu perlu?

Picture of Heru Suhartanto
Apa itu Compiler dan mengapa itu perlu?
by Heru Suhartanto - Tuesday, 8 September 2020, 8:33 PM

Dear mahasiswa Fasilkom

What is the necessity of c compiler

Low level language:  binary language. Not easy to understand, take time to write a new program.

High-level language :  C, C++, CB, Java, Python, etc

Highe level program --> Compiler  ->  Low level program

A compiler is a program that converts the program written in one programming language to another programming language;

Is it possible to write a program withourta compiler? No, its not possible


Is compiler hardware?

No, it’s not. It’s just an application, which we need to download and install in our computer.


Example of C compilers:

GCC, TC (Turbo C), BC (Borland C)



in summary:  applications are written in high-level programming language, a compiler transforms them into low-level language, then computers understand and execute the low-level language.

Teknik Kompilator membahas bagaimana teknik teknik membangun suatu compiler. Disini akan terlihat bagaimana teori automata dan bahasa, bermacam struktur data, low-level-language dan high-level language saling berinteraksi menghasilkan suatu compiler. Perkuliahan akan bermode  gabungan sinkronus dan non sinkronus. 

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terima kasih